Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Eve

It's nearly 4pm, and I've done nothing all day. I was awake until around 5 this morning though, as my cold has turned into a hacking cough. Also, I was so restless that I kept kicking the blankets off of me and rolling around, trying to get comfortable. It was a bad night.

So far today, I've had a spoonful of honey and a small Hasselback potato. (Look them up; they take a while to prepare, but they're delicious.) I'm going to head over to the fitness room once I get dressed, and then I need to clean the apartment in preparation for people coming over tomorrow.

It's just so dreary here. It's winter, and usually we get tons of snow, but it's been around 50 degrees and foggy and rainy here. Weird.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Body Parts

What I Like About Myself:
-my ribcage
-my forearms
-thin wrists
-muscular calves

What I Don't Like About Myself:
-large thighs
-wide ribcage
-round face
-love handles
-fat on my back
-hipbones only visible when laying down

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Yup. Still sick. I just want this cold to go away so I can work out easier. It was horrible working out today because my nose just kept running. Ugh.


Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Yup, it's back. I've spent far too long just laying around. Doing laundry and never putting it away. Staring at the dirty dishes with no motivation to wash them. Today I finally went to campus to get some stuff done, and the office I need to leave things in is closed for winter. But I finally returned my library books, which are so overdue. I hate things recently.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Florence Summer Dance

I don't know if I mentioned this on here, but I'm thinking about applying for a dance intensive in Florence next summer. However, it costs $55 to apply, which I can't afford. If any of you want to help throw a couple bucks towards helping me out, it'd be appreciated.


...again. Boyfriend gave me his cold. I knew it was coming, since I could feel it creeping up on me the last couple days, but last night it was hard to sleep. And now I'm just an exhausted mess in constant need of tissues. And I have to work for 4.5 hours tonight. It's time for cold medicine, I guess.

Also, I didn't get to work out today. Tomorrow's plan is a bagel for breakfast, a small bowl of cereal for lunch, and an apple for supper. I've got to ease myself back into restricting or I know I'll just get sicker.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Right now:

...this is what I look like right now. Dressing up in ballet-inspired clothes (including my tights) for the movie. Big thighs, squale calf muscles, and horrible skin and all.

Black Swan

Boyfriend and I are seeing Black Swan tonight with a couple friends. I'm super excited!


I just ate three donuts. Guh. I walked passed them while on my way to buy ice for Boyfriend, and I couldn't stop myself. I had half of one gone before I even got out of the elevator on my floor. Tomorrow is going to be a super work-out day.

Jump Rope

Look at this adorable jump rope my grandma gave me today. We had a family gathering today to visit my grandpa because he's not doing so well, and as I helped my grandma bring chairs down to the basement, I saw it. She said I could have it, since she never used it. So I hauled it upstairs and demonstrated that I could still jump rope, even fast, even with my arms crossed.

In my elementary school, we always jumped rope. At recess, in gym, etc. We had competitions to see who could jump the longest in gym; I always won. I love jumping rope.

Saturday, December 18, 2010


Just glanced at the view counter, and it was at exactly 4,000. Thanks, everyone!


Haven't eaten yet today. But I'm craving something sweet like nobody's business. I might have some broccoli and cheese for lunch. Also, tonight is the work holiday party. Get to dress up and go out with Boyfriend. Should be fun.

Friday, December 17, 2010

String Cheese

Oh my gosh, I'd forgotten how much I love string cheese.

Thursday, December 16, 2010


So far today, I've had two pieces of string cheese (80 calories each). I'm working on a paper for my jazz class right now and I am so bored. Maybe I'll head over to WhyEat and Chat Hour to waste some time with you guys.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Ugh. There's this gorgeous (and I mean drop-dead gorgeous) girl who was in my ballet class. Tall, thin, lanky, long dark hair, perfect skin, wonderful dancer. And she's so nice, I can't even hate her. I added her on Facebook, so now I'm able to snoop. None of the pictures do her justice, but here you go.
