Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Off to work!

One last photo I just found before I log off and punch into work.


Of course. I'm going to a wedding reception next month, and instead of buying a new dress, I figured I'd just wear this gorgeous brown and white one I got for a Homecoming dance in high school. It's so pretty and flowy and it makes me looks so thin.

Well today is my 3-year anniversary with Boyfriend. And I wanted to look nice (even though he didn't remember [for the first time ever!]) so I wore the dress. And he just dropped me off at work on his motorcycle. (We got here earlier, so I'm updating you all quick.) And on our way here, my dress blows out from where I had tucked it under myself and gets caught in his back tire/brake. He had to rip part of the skirt to get it free, and it was causing some braking issues. Ugh!

So I'll need to go dress shopping. I hate dress shopping. Everything's expensive and makes me look fat and blocky. But at least now I'll have no qualms about having a model wear this dress into the lake for a photo shoot. Gotta look on the bright side!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Today's Bike Ride!

Just got back from a 7-mile bike ride. I saw 7 rabbits and a mallard duck. So cute. It's nice riding at night, although the bugs are awful.

Real Girl Inspiration

Bike Ride

Still not cool outside. May not go on that 8-mile bike ride after all. But I did bike over 6 miles today, just to the bagel place and back and work and back. Burned over 2,000 calories today!

Ask me anything!

I caved and got a Formspring for The Pointe Complex. Feel free to ask me anything, and you can stay Anonymous.


Update on Today's Plans.

It's way too hot for the 8-mile bike ride. But I did bike the mile to the bagel place and the mile back, and I'm on my feet all night at work. Maybe after work it'll be cooler and I can go for a bike ride. We'll see.

Plan for today:

-Asiago bagel for breakfast
-8 mile bike ride
-clean apartment
-Live Wire soda before work to keep me going
-bike to work, work, bike back
-small dinner, maybe a tiny plate of spaghetti

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Today was going so good. Just 400 calories and spent all day outside walking during a photo shoot. (And got hit on by a lot of creepy old guys and two cute guys about my age. Yay!) But then I caved, and since Boyfriend had bought tons of junk food, I had a Cosmic Brownie. 300 calories in ONE of them! Gross! But at least I burned tons of calories today, and I'm back to work (and biking the two miles there and the two miles back) tomorrow.

Lucy at the Gym

Courage - Superchick


It's almost 1:30 here, and all I've had to eat are two fortune cookies (60 calories total). And soon I'm heading to the beach with a friend/model. Not to swim, as I'm sure the water's cold and my skin's too sensitive for lake water, but to hang out and take pictures. Yay!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Bike Ride

Just back from an 8-mile bike ride! Burned about 530 calories. And it's all foggy here, so the view along the bike path was gorgeous and the fog kept me cool. The bike ride also put me way into the negative calories today, especially as I've eaten less than 350 calories so far today, and it's nearly supper time! Yay!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Life Woes

I'm sitting at home alone, watching Weeds for the first time, and having another hard day. I just don't have the motivation to do anything, I'm worried that Boyfriend is going to cheat on me with a female friend and classmate of his (and you're the first people I've told that), and I feel disgusting. All I want to do is hop on the bus to Whole Foods and dose myself up with some herbal anti-anxiety pills like I did all last semester, but they're expensive and I know Boyfriend would get upset. I don't want to deal with anything right now.

Diary - May 21

Food: 1,551 calories
Port Wine cheese - 90 calories
Ritz crackers (5 crackers) - 80 calories
Sweet and Salty Nut Granola Bar in Peanut (3 bars) - 510 calories
Harvest Cheddar Sun Chips - 140 calories
Yumberry Pomegranate Lifewater (1 bottle) - 0 calories
Mashed Potatoes - 330 calories
Calcium Supplements - 30 calories
Mega Mystery Stride gum (2 pieces) - 10 calories
Orange Tic Tacs (4 servings) - 8 calories

Exercise: 2,009 calories

Total: -458 calories

I caved and ate too much. But my stomach was very upset with me.

New Favorite Model

Sarah Ingle is so pretty and so thin! Her stats say she's 5' 7" (3 inches taller than me) and 90 pounds (about 55 pounds lighter than me)! Amazing.

Ballet Inspiration

Bracelet Tutorial

I want to thank Haley at Good Girls Don't Swallow for making a video tutorial to show how she makes her knot bracelets when I asked. It's super easy, and now I want to make tons of them!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Diary - May 20

Food: 1,251 calories
Kit Kat - 200 calories
Nutri-Grain Cereal Bar in Strawberry - 130 calories
Yumberry Pomegranate Lifewater (1 bottle) - 0 calories
Fortune Cookie - 30 calories
Ice Cream - 300 calories
Fried Rice (1 cup) - 251 calories
Sweet and Salty Granola Bar in Peanut (2 bars) - 340 calories

Exercise: 1,939 calories

Total: -688 calories


p.s. Yesterday, I stayed under 1,000 calories! Even with eating some of Boyfriend's leftover pasta and having egg fried rice for dinner. I think I had a deficit of 1,000+ calories, but I'll know for sure when I post my Food Diary for the day.


I feel like such crap right now. I finished my last final today, so I guess it's officially summer, but I'm still busy as hell. And I'm feeling cranky and horrible. And Boyfriend can't handle emotions, so I can't even go crying to him to tell him how upset I am. I want to head up to the gym before work, but I really need to get laundry done. And this Saturday the semester is officially over and I have to start paying for the gym. Boyfriend doesn't want me to as we're moving soon to a building with a fitness room, but there's no real options there, whereas the university gym is huge. And it's still cheap!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Diary - May 19

Food: 913 calories
Sweet and Salty Granola Bar in Peanut - 170 calories
Orange Tic Tacs (9 servings) - 18 calories
Grilled Cheese Sandwich - 291 calories
Lucky Charms with 2% milk - 114 calories
Pasta - 165 calories
Fortune Cookie - 125
Meatless Fried Rice (1/2 cup) - 125 calories

Exercise: 1,956 calories

Total: -1,043 calories

Did good today despite eating lots of leftovers.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Poll Time!

I put up a poll over on the right side of the blog. Please vote!

Diary - May 18

Food: 754 calories
Orange Tic Tacs (2 servings) - 4 calories
Apple Juice - 175 calories
Asiago Parmesan bagel - 330 calories
Frosted Mini-Wheats with 2% milk - 215 calories
Calcium supplements - 30 calories

Exercise: 1,939 calories

Total: -1,185 calories

Another good day.



I forgot that last night I was having a dinner at an Italian cafe to celebrate the end of the semester. Got to see a bunch of friends and eat free food. But I ate too much. Not a ton, but too much. Some gnocchi, some spaghetti and half a slice of cheesecake.

Today has been good though. I don't have enough time to get to the gym before work, but at least I'm on my feet the whole time I'm at work. And I've only had a bagel, some apple juice, and two Tic Tacs today. Just about 500 calories!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Diary - May 17

Food: 699 calories
Chocolate Chip Muffins (8 mini muffins) - 489 calories
Chocolate Pocky (1 bag) - 210 calories
Yumberry Pomegranate Lifewater (1 bottle) - 0 calories

Exercise: 1,723 calories

Total: -1,024 calories

Did so good today!


I'm currently sitting in my university library, working on a research paper that's due by the end of today. And I'm having a 0 calorie Lifewater (in Yumberry Pomegranate, my favourite flavour) and Pocky for lunch. Not healthy at all, but it's not messy, so I can eat it while flipping through books. Need to finish this quickly!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Diary - May 16

Food: 1,308 calories
Sweet and Salty Granola Bar in Peanut (1 bar) - 170 calories
Harvest Cheddar Sun Chips (2 servings) - 420 calories
Velveeta Mac 'n' Cheese - 540 calories
Garlic Bread Stick (1 breadstick) - 170 calories
Yumberry Pomegranate Lifewater (1 bottle) - 0 calories
Orange Tic Tacs (4 servings) - 8 calories

Exercise: 2,002 calories

Total: -694 calories

Was so hungry. Ate too much.

Inspiration - Beach

Food + Gym

Ugh. I need to learn more self-control. I just ate an entire box of Velveeta mac 'n' cheese. It's so bad for me, but I can't stop myself. Well, off to the gym for a few hours. I'm excited to feel new muscles forming in my arms.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Diary - May 15

Food: 1,460 calories
Asiago Parmesan bagel - 330 calories
Iced Chai - 150 calories
Tortellini - 354 calories
Hershey's Hugs - 158 calories
Port Wine cheese - 100 calories
Ritz crackers (10 crackers) - 160 calories
Sweet and Salty Nut Granola Bar in Peanut (1 bar) - 170 calories
Calcium supplement - 30 calories
Orange Tic Tacs (4 servings) - 8 calories

Exercise: 1,975 calories

Total: -515 calories


I'm applying for a work-study at a local dance company. I'd be doing grunt work (mopping, cleaning, dusting, etc.) in exchange for free classes at their studio. Cross your fingers for me!

Purge: Rehab Diaries

As I mentioned in a previous post, Purge: Rehab Diaries by Nicole Johns is one of my favourite eating-disorder-related books. And I came across it at the library a couple days ago and checked it out... again. And I finished it... again... last night. It's such a great look at rehab facilities. I love it. I'm thinking about writing a letter to Nicole Johns to let her know how much I enjoy it.

What is your favourite ED-related book? Any suggestions?

Inspiration - Skirts

Remember to click the photos to see the full size; some have parts cut off on the blog!