Thursday, April 15, 2010

Michigan + Red Bracelet

I am currently in Michigan with Boyfriend and two girls for a writing convention. Luckily, it means not much eating (though still too much) and a LOT of walking. And I've been seeing the most beautiful girls here, with their black skinny jeans and long hair and just gorgeous! I am so jealous. I can't help but think that Boyfriend compares me to them all the time. And I'm sure I come up as disgusting in his mind.

Also, I've been thinking about making myself a red bracelet. Just a thin red ribbon knotted around my wrist. I believe that it would help me to cut out food and exercise more, reminding me all the time of why I'm doing what I'm doing. Do you wear a bracelet? Does it help? How do you view it or use it? Do people ever harass you about it?

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