Found this while browsing on Wanting Is Never Enough and figured I'd fill it out too.
Size: No idea, honestly.
Age: 20
Highest Weight: 155lbs
Current Weight: ~145lbs?
Lowest Weight: 135lbs
Starting Goal Weight: 130lbs
Long Term Goal Weight: 110lbs
Favorite Diet Food?
Water, Sun Chips.
Favorite Binge Food?
Resse's Pieces, Oreos, Hugs.
Favorite Exercise?
Dance, running.
The dance majors I see while waiting for my class to start.
What Makes You Slip Up?
Thinking "I'll burn these calories off tomorrow."
What Makes You Strong?
The feeling of control.
When Did It Start?
Depends on what you're talking about. I binged a lot in high school. The restricting started about a month or so ago.
Does Anyone Know?
Only a couple people, and no one (but people who read this) know the extent of it.
Do You Want Help?
How Many Calories Do You Consume A Day?
Between 450 and 1500.
What Do You See When You Look In The Mirror?
A wide back, no waist, small boobs, huge thighs.
Are You In A Relationship?
Yes, and it's been a happy one.
Is It For Attention?
Are You The Fat Or Thin One Out Of Your Friends?
In between.
Are You Depressed?
Ever Tried To Commit Suicide?
I've thought about it.
Ever Been To A Psychologist?
A few, for different reasons.
Are You On Any Medication?
No. I occasionally take herbs to make me calm (no, nothing illegal), but that's it.
I AM -
[ ] anorexic
[x] ednos
[ ] bulimic
[ ] living off diet pills
[ ] hungry
[x] thirsty
[ ] drinking something
[ ] eating something
[ ] under 100lbs
[ ] starving myself
[x] participating in a fast
[ ] vegan
[ ] ask if I’m anorexic/bulimic
[ ] call me fat
[ ] say I’m skinny
[x] say I’m ugly
[x] say I’m pretty
[x] spread rumors about me
[ ] force me to eat
[ ] say I eat too much
[ ] wish I’d eat more
[x] don't know I'm anorexic/bulimic
[ ] have tried to stop me
[x] I was thin
[x] I had a better body
[ ] I didn't have to eat
[x] I could control myself
[ ] I was under 110lbs
[x] I could avoid food
[ ] I could hide what I am
[x] I wasn’t fat
[x] I was prettier
[ ] I could stop being ana/mia
[ ] I had a boy/girlfriend
[x] I could disappear
[ ] feeling hungry
[x] seeing a difference
[x] shaking
[x] being weak (but strong at the same time)
[x] losing weight
[ ] being anorexic/bulimic
[ ] green tea
[ ] diet pills
[x] being able to turn down food
[x] feeling good about myself
[ ] when people stare
[x] being asked questions
[ ] having to eat
[ ] being single
[x] wearing short skirts
[x] being fat
[x] looking ugly
[ ] feeling this way
[ ] fat people
[x] more support
[ ] people to stay out of my business
[x] more friends
[x] someone to know
[x] less food
[x] more water
[ ] a gym membership
[ ] to lose 50 lbs
[x] to lose 30 lbs
[x] to lose 10 lbs
The Return
10 years ago
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