Monday, November 15, 2010

Apple Juice

I dont like orange juice. However, I drank half a bottle of it yesterday in an attempt to get over this cold. (And yeah, it's just a cold, but my immune system sucks, so even a cold has me wishing I were dead.)

But last night, Boyfriend drank the rest of my orange juice. So this morning I went to the grocery store to buy more cold medicine and more juice. But I don't like orange juice, so I looked at apple juice. Apparently apple juice has, like, no vitamin C at all! So I was checking all the bottles of apple juice looking for vitamin C, and discovered Tropicana's new Trop50 line of juices. The apple juice has 100% RDA of vitamin C and only 50 calories per serving! It's not as sweet, but it's still very good. I filled my water bottle with it so I can drink it during class today. Hopefully I can feel less like death before work tonight.

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