Friday, May 21, 2010

New Favorite Model

Sarah Ingle is so pretty and so thin! Her stats say she's 5' 7" (3 inches taller than me) and 90 pounds (about 55 pounds lighter than me)! Amazing.


Bones said...

Ooooh, she IS quite lovely. I love how pretty her face is as well, i generally think that often models have amazing bodies but somewhat questionable faces. For example, i think Lily Cole looks like an alien, but i'd kill for her body. But Sarah Ingle is actually really beautiful.
I'm in the market for some thinspiration too, i havent been able to find anyone satisfactory for a while, and Ingle is just lovely :)


Pointe said... is my fave place for thinspo. Pretty clothes AND pretty girls. But yeah, I love Sarah Ingles because she's so adorable.