Saturday, May 1, 2010

Eating Disorder Books

Here is a list of my favourite ed-related books.

Purge: Rehab Diaries
I am especially a fan of this book because the rehab clinic the author went to is in my area. While she doesn't name it, she does talk of sneaking away to places I've been to, which is very exciting, It's a very well-written book.

Stick Figure: A Diary of My Former Self
This book is literally the published diary that the author came across when she was an adult and found it tucked away in her childhood things. It gives a nice inside view of a young girl's struggle with anorexia.

The Truth About Life After Eating Disorders
This book, written by a woman who apparently also wrote a memoir about her eating disorder, refutes the myth I hate that an anorexic or bulimic can ever really be "cured."

The Best Little Girl in the World
This is not a memoir, but a great book about an anorexic ballerina. It was the first book I ever read about eating disorders.

Going Hungry: Writers on Desire, Self-Denial, and Overcoming Anorexia
A collection of essays, this book deals with a variety of topics on eating disorders. It's a great quick read.

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