One of the main studios on campus has been having new marley floors put in for at least the past week. But yesterday afternoon, it was finally finished! That means that my ballet class was finally out of the tiny studio we were put in and back into the wonderful studio I love. And ballet yesterday was so much fun. I'm getting really close to a musical theater major guy in the class, and the extra room means we can pull the barres out and have a lot more space. Yesterday, ballet was almost nothing but plies. Lots of plies, releves, stretches, etc. We also did some across-the-floor stuff, leaps and skips and diagonally across the room even, like you see in movies. My thighs are still aching.
Today there were open auditions for the big show that the senior dance students put on. Anyone was allowed to come, so I spent two and a half hours having a blast with close to 70 other girls and guys. There were a number of past or current classmates of mine, one of whom had never been to an audition before. I had to reassure her that even if she doesn't get cast, she'll have fun and will never be able to say, "I've never been to one of these before" again. The entire process was so much fun. And afterwards, a couple of the choreographers came into the coffee shop I help out at while I was helping close up. I'm hoping the fact that I recognized them, said hello, and got them cheap delicious drinks will help me. One of them said I did really well, though I'm sure she'd say that to anyone she'd run into. But whatever.
Weightwise, I'm not sure how I'm doing. I haven't been eating much lately, but what I have been eating is all sugary and the like. I've been craving salt and sugar like it's nobody's business. But I've also been doing physical activity every day for classes, so there's a plus. I can't go tomorrow, but maybe I'll head to the gym on Sunday to check my weight.

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