ED - Eating Disorder.
EDNOS - Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified.
Ana - Anorexia Nervosa, Anorexic, Anoretic.
Mia - Bulimia Nervosa, Bulimic.
BDD - Body Dysmorphic Disorder.
BPD - Borderline Personality Disorder.
OCD - Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
SI - Self Injury.
ABC - Ana Boot Camp. (A form of crash diet.)
Cal - Calories.
C - Often succeeding a number and aso referring to calories.
Pro, Pro-ED - Refers to the promotion of an Anorexia, Bulimia & EDNOS as a lifestyle choice rather than an eating disorder.
Chewspit - Chew food & spit it out.
Pro-Ana - Refers to the promotion of Anorexia as a lifestyle choice rather than an eating disorder.
Pro-Mia - Refers to the promotion of Bulimia as a lifestyle choice rather than an eating disorder.
CW - Current weight.
SW - Starting weight.
LW - Lowest weight attained at current height.
HW - Highest weight attained at current height.
GW - Goal weight.
GW1, GW2, GW3 - Goal weights in an order squence.
UGW - Ultimate goal weight.
B/P - To binge & then go on to purge (see below for details).
(Terminology & other commonly used words, Just incase you don't know.)
Restrict - Usually used to refer to limiting ones caloric intake.
Purge - Usually used to refer to self-induced vomiting but can also be used to describe other forms of rapid calorie removal from the human body, including but not limited to, over exercising, laxative abuse & anti-caloric-absorption diet pill abuse.
Clean Purge - When one self-induces vomiting and they purge all that they possibly can out.
Dry Purge - When one self-induces vomiting and they purge very little or nothing out.
Binge - A very commonly used term that usually reefers to consuming an unusually large portion of food (or at least for the individual doing so), with or without control.
Binge Mode - When the subject feels they have no control & they are almost being forced to, eat, eat, eat!
Water Fast - A detox diet where the subject goes through a long period of only consuming water.
Classic Fast - A detox diet where the subject goes through a long period of only consuming water, coke, coffee, tea, squash & other beverages of low nutritional value.
Juice Fast - A detox diet where the subject goes through a long. period of only consuming water & fruit juices.
Liquid Fast - A detox diet where the subject goes through a long period of only consuming only the following, water, juice, coffee, soda, milk, broth & other liquid beverage.
Strength Fast - A detox diet where the subject goes through one of the previous fasts stated above with the intent to improve their mental determination.
Thinspiration, Thinspo - Photographs or other material intended to provide inspiration for anorexia nervosa as a lifestyle choice.
Reverse Thinspiration, Reverse Thinspo - Photographs of clinically obese people more often than not eating junk food used with the intention to provide inspiration for anorexia nervosa as a lifestyle choice.
Bloated - Balloon Belly (Better description coming soon).
Laxative - A food, tea or drug that stimulates evacuation of the bowels.
Trigger - It is a sight, scent, touch, sound, action or lack of any of these or any combinations that causes one to react in a certain manner. ie. eat, binge, purge, restrict, fast, cry, smile .etc, triggering the subject to act in a certain way.
Tendency - When followed by an abbreviation such as "Ana", an ana tendency would refer to acting with anorexic characteristics, where as a mia tendency would refer to acting with bulimic characteristics.
From the Why Eat forums.
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