Friday, July 9, 2010

Today and Yesterday

Yesterday went pretty well, exercise-wise. Did squats while work was slow, and did leg lifts before bed.

Today is going great. Nothing to eat so far but a dinner mint and a gulp of Mountain Dew. I'm hanging with a friend today, and I think I'm going to make pizza for us, but I'm already worked out a bunch today. Dancing, leg lifts, squats, stretches, etc. It's a beautiful day.

Also, I'm wearing shorts! For the first time in years.


Liz said...

Oh my gosh, is that you?? You look amazing! Wow... I wish that was me!

Pointe said...

It is! Thank you so much, sweetie. :)

EmptyShell said...


just wow.

I wish I had that waist. :P

I seriously thought you were posting thinspo before I read the entry

Pointe said...

Aw, thanks darling! I'm super excited to have any waist at all, as I've always been quite rectangular.